An Interview With: Harris English

Q.   Harris, let’s talk about not only today but the last two days.  You made it look awfully easy.  The question otherwise, has it really been that easy?

HARRIS ENGLISH:  No, it’s not.  The rough is pretty thick.  I’ve hit the ball well off the tee and given me a lot of opportunities for putts on the greens.  I’ve put some wedges in close and made some putts.

Q.  You’re long off the tee.  You get it in the short grass you know you’re going with a wedge, 9-iron into most of these greens.

HARRIS ENGLISH:  Didn’t pull out a driver last few days.  When I did, hit it well.  Hitting my 3-wood and 5-wood pretty good this week.

Q.  You’re a stoic guy, at least on the course.  Do you ever get emotional out there?

HARRIS ENGLISH:  I’ve definitely got a lot of emotions inside.  Try to keep to myself, not let it get to me.  Let each shot be played the best I can and not let one shot dictate what I do on another shot.

That’s what I’ve been doing a good job of and made me get better at it.  Learn from a lot of good guys out here.  Hopefully can keep it going.

Q.  Saw your dad out there quite a bit giving you encouragement, almost like a caddy out there.

Does it help?

HARRIS ENGLISH:  Him and my mom are here this week, got some family and friends.  It’s been good to see them.  Have some support out there because it’s a long season.  This is my 22nd event.  It’s good to have them around.

Q.  How excited are you about the weekend and The Playoffs?

HARRIS ENGLISH:  Very excited.  First year on Tour.  Very excited to be here and hopefully play in The Playoffs and looking forward to see if I can get something going.

Q.  64 for you, Harris.  You went out in 30.  Who wouldn’t take a 64?  But with that great start, are you disappointed you didn’t get a little more on the backside?

HARRIS ENGLISH:  I played 35 holes without bogies and three-putted the last.  Little disappointed about that.  Overall played well.  Hit the ball well, put it in the right spot.  Got my putter going.  I’m very pleased with how I played and see if I can keep going this weekend.

Q.  You have put yourself in position on the weekend a couple of times on the PGA TOUR this year. 

What have you learned from those experiences that can help you this week?

HARRIS ENGLISH:  Don’t get ahead of myself.  Some bad stuff happens.  I know bad stuff is going to happen.  I’ll be ready for it and hopefully stay within myself and not get ahead of myself and stay patient.

Q.  As I rookie you’re about to experience your first PGA TOUR Playoffs for the FedExCup.  Starting with this event and moving forward, what is your mentality?

HARRIS ENGLISH:  Just to keep moving forward.  Keep some good stuff going.  I know this week I’ll have to play well and next week, keep it going.  I think I’m 90th on the FedExCup.

If I keep playing and have some good finishes I can move up and the goal is to make the Tour Championship.  I’m looking forward to it.

Q.  Keep playing like that and you will survive. 

Talk a little bit about the day and how you’re feeling heading into the weekend.

HARRIS ENGLISH:  Started off 30 on the front.  Played pretty solid.  Got my putter going.  I think missed one green.  The front-9 had it going.  Then back-9 shot 34.  Played well.  Let one slip at the last but hopefully I’ll be fired up for the weekend.  I’m excited.

Q.  You mentioned 3-putting last.  That was your only bogey through two rounds.  Touch on the greens.  It was obviously a lot of talk coming into the week how well the — receptive the greens are going to be.  Obviously they’re yielding some pretty good stores.

HARRIS ENGLISH:  They’re awesome.  Very smooth.  I grew up on bermuda greens.  I’m loving it up here.  They did a great job with it.

President putting them in ten weeks ago is unbelievable.  They’re firm in some spots and not in other spots.  I’m pretty sure they’ll get them fast for the weekend, get them firm.  We’ll see how it goes.

Q.  How do you feel about your position going into the weekend?

HARRIS ENGLISH:  Good.  10-under is a pretty good position after two rounds.  I feel like I’m hitting the ball well and putting well so if I can keep doing it, I can keep moving up the leaderboard.

Q.  Do you think the scores will be higher?

HARRIS ENGLISH:  It depends.  Get the greens firm and fast.  You never know what the weather is going to do.  If you hit the ball in the fairway you can score.  You hit it in the rough you’re not going to score.  That’s my key for the weekend and see if I can do it.



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