An Interview with: JUSTIN LEONARD

Q.   You’re playing with Padraig Harrington and Paul Casey.  Those guys are trying to get inside the Top 125.  Feeding off each other’s energy a bit?

JUSTIN LEONARD:  Yeah, a little bit.  I mean we all played pretty solid yesterday and I kind of had it going early and Padraig kind of just played real solid and Paul got it going late.  You know, today a little bit of the same.  Padraig struggled a little bit early but had a great finish to make the putt.  Paul kind of creeped around and put up a birdie here and there.  Just trying to follow his lead.

Q.  From the world’s No. 1 player to the high handicap amateur, we all struggle with our games.  When we need it and it happens like you’re doing right now through 36 holes, what does this say about your game when you need to have it and that you can produce it?

JUSTIN LEONARD:  Well, you know, I needed to have it all year long and it just — you know, different things throughout the year.  But I made a couple changes and started working and thinking about the things I need to do, working on things and taking on things and it’s been good.

The last month or so my game has been pretty solid, I just haven’t scored well and, you know, this week, I’ve scored pretty well.  So, I’m not so focused on getting in The Playoffs.  I’m just trying to continue working on the things that seem to be working, making everything a little more natural and see where that takes us.



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